Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012

Mengembangkan Nilai- Nilai Filosofis Matematika Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Menuju Era Global

“Mengembangkan Nilai- Nilai Filosofis Matematika Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Menuju Era Global”
Oleh Dr. Marsigit, M.A

Concluding Remark By:
Tinuk Suparyatun
Matematika Swadana 2010/ 10305144018

About mathematics is neutral, value-free is also an inherent value of themselves and it is difficult to see. Thus it would appear the next question, who is interested in his opinion? English and Western countries in general, ruled by the white men of the upper classes. Under such circumstances affecting the social structure of the matematisi on the campuses of a university, the most dominated by them. Their values consciously and unconsciously span the 'hierarchy in the development of mathematics as part of social dominance. It is therefore somewhat seems odd that mathematics is neutral and value free, while mathematics has become a tool of a social group. They favor men over women, whites in for blacks, the middle strata above the lower strata, criteria for success mastery of math academic achievement. One critic says, for a certain groups, such as the white group of strata above, may be considered mathematics as a neutral and value free. But such criticism facing some
the problem. First, there is the premise that mathematics is neutral. Second, there is the view
is hidden that the teaching of mathematics is also considered to be neutral. In advance has been demonstrated that any learning is tied to the values. Third, there is a presumption that the involvement of various community groups in mathematics and its value is logical consequence. And finally, history shows that mathematics never an instrument of a particular community group. The 'social constructivits' view that mathematics is a human creation through a certain period of time. All The resulting difference is the knowledge of human creativity are interlinked with nature and history. Consequently, mathematics is seen as a science knowledge is bound to the culture and value creator in the context budayanya.Sejarah mathematics is the history of its formation, not only related by revealing the truth, but it covers issues that arise, understanding, statements, evidence and theory are created, communicated and experienced a reformulation by individuals or a group with various interests. Such a view is gives the consequence that the history of mathematics need to be revised.

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