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Penataran Guru Guru Matematika MAN/S se DIY
di PPPG Matematika Yogyakarta Selasa, 12 Juli 2005
Oleh :
Drs. Marsigit MA
Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika FMIPA UNY
Conclussion by: Tinuk Suparyatun(10305144028)
Reconciling subjective and objective mathematical knowledge through social interaction toobtain, test, represent new knowledge they have gained. Mathematics is also able tointroduce students in the calculation of daily and this is very interesting, although on the other hand, students still feel bored with the lesson. Teachers also need to teachcommunication through mathematics and fun so that students learn metematika notsaturated with these lessons.
appreciate the students' mother tongue in discussing mathematics. Because it encouragesstudents to be more like mengehtahui about the lesson.
appreciate the students' mother tongue in discussing mathematics. Because it encouragesstudents to be more like mengehtahui about the lesson.
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